Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Planning and Enabling Learning Essay

In this assignment I am going to explain my approach to the research I have carried out and summarise my findings. To plan and enable learning, as a trainer I must ensure that my training is student centred and inclusive to all. There are many theories and suggestions to consider how this should be done in an adult learning environment. In order to enhance my current knowledge I decided to use reference books, publications, journals and websites to research relevant topics. I also utilised my mentor as a sounding board for ideas and a point of discussion for areas I was unsure about. I reflected on my existing knowledge and my research for Unit One – Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector. I wanted to access new models and theories and link these into the context of my own teaching practice. To do this I searched the internet for reviews of reference material for planning and enabling learning, which I then purchased. I found that my research could be extensive. I had to remain focused and choose topics to explore that I found interesting and relevant to my learning environment and style of delivery. Adult learners need to take responsibility for their own learning. If learners are active in setting their own targets and understand what they need to achieve, motivation and self esteem will reassure their learning experience. Understanding methods of negotiation and inclusivity provides learners with the most appropriate experience, engages the whole group and builds a good rapport. This can be gleaned from the identification of needs as per Ecclestone (1996). I focused my research on the impact of initial assessment on the learning journey. From my experience initial assessment results are not used effectively and the process of initial assessment is usually carried out purely to comply with procedure. My experiences are confirmed by The Chief Inspector’s Report (2003). The Adult Learning Inspectorate found that ‘many providers are using a screening test but not following this up†¦. the results of the assessment are not being used to inform the ILP’ (Wilson, L, 2008, p.139). Initial assessment can have a huge impact on delivery of learning and can form the learner’s ideas, goals and highlight areas of support required. Scales (2008, p.178) states that initial assessment ‘should be handled sensitively to welcome learners in rather than scare with formal testing and assessment procedures’. I agree with this, however, the nature of the assessment will depend on the level and content of the course commenced. Some programmes require a robust assessment process to set parameters and determine suitability to join the course. Wallace (2007, p.154) describes the three key components that come together at the beginning of a programme – the teacher, the learners and the syllabus or specifications of the course. This makes complete sense. To deliver an effective programme and meet the learning outcomes the key elements must come together and crystallise. This will then inform the delivery of the overall programme. This led me to further explore my research around inclusive learning. I chose to continue down the route of motivation and the impact this has on learners. Petty (2009, p.55) noted that ‘Maslow showed that there is only one way of motivating your students. And that is to ensure that your students’ belongingness, esteem and self-actualisation needs are nourished through the learning activities you devise’. Using information from the initial assessment, such as learning needs or styles, resources need to be created and adapted to ensure learning is effective and relevant. Functional skills should be tested and developed when appropriate. In my research I focused on the practicalities of embedding these skills and reports published relating to post 16 education. In the training I deliver I can embed a variety of functional skills to allow individuals to maintain these skills and develop them further. Wilson (2008) suggested that incorporating ICT into teaching doesn’t always suit the teacher and/or learner. This can be the case with the types of sessions I deliver. Functional skills should naturally develop from a session; they can’t be forced into a session if they are inappropriate. Communication is the thread throughout a learning experience that encourages learning and development between the trainer and the learner. It is my responsibility to recognise potential barriers and utilise strategies to overcome these. This is the route I took with my research. I came across theories such as the Communication Climate (Adler et al, 1998) and Emotional Intelligence (Goleman, 1995). Again, I found a real link to negotiating with and including learners. Goleman (1995) believed that ‘if emotions and feelings are not recognised and managed by teachers and learners, then effective learning cannot occur’. My research has broadened my knowledge and understanding to take forward into the classroom. The brief I have provided only really scratches the surface from the extensive reading I carried out; however I will have the opportunity to explore these further within this unit.

Natural crime and legal crime

Crimes are generally acts carried out that are considered offensive to laws provided by a certain state. Crimes are necessarily defined by the statutes and the by the common law. First, we can say that crime always involves ‘conduct’ only if we stretch the meaning of that term so far as to empty it of substantial content (D. Husak, 1987). This suggests that we can, whether justly or not, be held criminally liable not merely for what we do, or fail to do, but for what we are, perhaps even for what we think or we intend (Robinson, P. H. 1997). On the other hand, one author suggests that â€Å"we must not, or must not yet, read ‘wrong’ here as morally wrong† (Dworkin, G., 1994).Some of these crimes were defined the law based   on the existing and generally accepted moral standards of a certain society while others are based only on a discretion on what is deemed proper for the benefit of the general public. These general types of crimes are called Mala in se, or that which is wrong in itself and Mala prohibita, which became only wrong after being defined by a certain statute (Simester, A. P., & Sullivan, G. R. 2000). We should the always remember that since not all crimes are defined according to moral standards, not all illegal acts, as defined by law are morally wrong. There are crimes that are not wrong in itself, based on the nature of the act, but are considered crimes and therefore are necessarily punishable, once they have been covered by the criminal law (Norrie, A. W. 1993).In discussing the difference between the two types of crimes, it is important that we first understood how these crimes are classified by law. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) crime index, these crimes is classified in thirteen general categories. First category consists of offenses against religion and public worship (blasphemy, disturbing public worship). Second category consists of offenses against the sovereign power (treason, misprision of treason).   Another category consists of offenses against a nation’s currency (counterfeiting, impairing currency). Crimes are also categorized according to offenses against public justice (bribery, perjury, prison-breaking, extortion, compounding felonies, etc.) and those against public peace (riots, unlawful assemblies, libel).Crimes are also classified according to offenses against public trade (cheats, forestalling, and monopoly, engrossing) and those related to chastity (sodomy, adultery, incest, bigamy and fornication). There are also crimes against decency and morality (public indecency, drunkenness, violating the grave) and those against public police and economy (common nuisances, vagrancy, and beggary). Gambling and illegal lotteries are crimes under public policy. Homicide, rape, poisoning with intent of murder, assault and battery, kidnapping and abduction are only few of the crimes classified under individual crimes. Crimes against private property include b urglary, arson, robbery, forgery and counterfeiting. Lastly, offenses against public persons include conspiracy (US Department of Justice, FBI 2006).Natural crimes or the so-called Mala in se are those crimes which have been criminalized because of their inherent wrongfulness and are usually based on moral standards. Examples of natural crimes include killing (murder), rape, arson or robbery. These are acts that are morally inacceptable and are inherently wrong (Dressler, J. 2001). These are acts that are necessarily punishable even in the absence of a law. Note that these acts involve harming others lives and properties which are morally wrong. Natural crimes therefore have the element of morality. Mala in se consists of conduct that wrong independently of the criminal law.In contrast, legal crimes which are also called mala prohibita are crimes that consist of conduct that is not wrong based on moral perspective or those which are not inherently wrong based on morality. They becom e wrong in the eyes of the law which define them as crimes. They only become wrong and thus become crime because of the prohibition of the law (Moore, M. S. 1993). Examples of these crimes are illegal parking, over speeding and probably of forgetting to bring your driver’s license with you when you go out of the house with your car.   In these examples, we cannot in anyway draw a moral element on which we can base the unacceptability of the acts.Parking at the side of the road which has a yellow line painted along it cannot be considered as morally wrong because it anyway, the act does not harm anyone at that same point.   However, it becomes illegal and therefore a crime because certain law defined it as it is. In certain instances, driving over a designated speed is a crime (legal crime) because there are existing laws that prohibits such acts (Fletcher, G. 1978). In the moral perspective, exceeding such designated speed is not morally wrong. In the same way, it is not immoral to forget or leave your driver’s license at home whenever you go out and drive. It is however a crime because a specific statute prohibits anyone to drive without a license.There are certain grounds on which we can draw clear lines between natural crimes (mala in se) and legal crimes (mala prohibita). In the context of Mala en Se crimes, judges are given less discretion under the â€Å"Rule of Law† because such behavior is presumed to be known and understood to be evil (Hart, H. L. A. 1994). Because these crimes are based on moral standards, it would be safe to assess that these acts were defined as crimes as largely influenced by the society’s religions. Killing and raping are acts against a fellow human being are religious perspectives generally views these acts as immoral and are necessarily unacceptable. Therefore, a judge holding such a case does not to have the strong discretion of identifying if the act is wrong or not. It is in this context that the old maxim of judges that â€Å"ignorance of the law excuses no one† can be appreciated (Dworkin, G. 1994).Closely related to the analysis made by other authors, Heath (1999) sees another aspect of crimes that defines the distinction between natural and legal crimes. That element, according to Heath is the victim. â€Å"In a mala en se crime such as assault the victim is the one who was assaulted, and the criminal is the perpetrator† (Heath, Hari 1999). On the other hand, Heath assessed that it is the defendant who is the victim in mala prohibita crimes.Again using the examples used earlier, illegal parking and over speeding were acts that does not necessarily harm anyone but in these cases, the person who did the acts are held liable and are therefore called criminals. In this case, the person turned out to be the victim. Because of the violation, the law enforcers will cause damages or harm to the criminal by imputing legal financial liabilities at least.On the pe rspective of this paper, it is argued that although there is the absence of morality in mala prohibita crimes, these are justifiable based on the intention of the law to create a more orderly and peaceful society. For example, over speeding may not harm anyone at glance, but this could possibly cause a driver to meet an accident and thus would harm him, properties and lives of others even without his intention. Illegal parking may not seem harmful to anyone at first but try to imagine if people can just park anywhere they want. Would it be a chaotic environment to cars in everywhere?Mala prohibita, for the purpose of this paper, do not at all suppress the freedom and liberty of anyone as some people see them. Mala prohibita laws are intended to set boundaries to human’s great possibility to exceed beyond what they ought to be. Humans have the tendency to act according to what they know is right and what benefits them the most. In certain cases, such acts are out of the consid eration of the welfare of others and that is what mala prohibita laws are intended to avoid.REFERENCESDressler, J. (2001). Understanding Criminal Law (3rd ed.), New York: LexisDworkin, G. (ed.) (1994). Morality, Harm and the Law. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.Fletcher, G. (1978). Rethinking Criminal Law. Boston: Little, Brown.Hart, L.A. (1994). The Concept of Law (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.Heath, Hari (1999). Does North Idaho need more prisons? Idaho Observer, July 1999. Retrieved on January 26, 2008 from, D. (1987). Philosophy of Criminal Law. Totowa, N. J.: Rowman & Littlefield.Moore, M. S. (1993). Act and Crime. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Norrie, A. W. (1993). Crime, Reason and History. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.Robinson, P. H. (1997). Structure and Function in Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Simester, A. P., & Sullivan, G. R. (2000). Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine. Oxford: Hart Pub lishing.Crime in the United States 2005. US Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. September 2006. Retrieved on January 26, 2008 from Natural crime and legal crime Crimes are generally acts carried out that are considered offensive to laws provided by a certain state. Crimes are necessarily defined by the statutes and the by the common law. First, we can say that crime always involves ‘conduct’ only if we stretch the meaning of that term so far as to empty it of substantial content (D. Husak, 1987). This suggests that we can, whether justly or not, be held criminally liable not merely for what we do, or fail to do, but for what we are, perhaps even for what we think or we intend (Robinson, P. H. 1997). On the other hand, one author suggests that â€Å"we must not, or must not yet, read ‘wrong’ here as morally wrong† (Dworkin, G., 1994).Some of these crimes were defined the law based   on the existing and generally accepted moral standards of a certain society while others are based only on a discretion on what is deemed proper for the benefit of the general public. These general types of crimes are called Mala in se, or that which is wrong in itself and Mala prohibita, which became only wrong after being defined by a certain statute (Simester, A. P., & Sullivan, G. R. 2000). We should the always remember that since not all crimes are defined according to moral standards, not all illegal acts, as defined by law are morally wrong. There are crimes that are not wrong in itself, based on the nature of the act, but are considered crimes and therefore are necessarily punishable, once they have been covered by the criminal law (Norrie, A. W. 1993).In discussing the difference between the two types of crimes, it is important that we first understood how these crimes are classified by law. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) crime index, these crimes is classified in thirteen general categories. First category consists of offenses against religion and public worship (blasphemy, disturbing public worship). Second category consists of offenses against the sovereign power (treason, misprision of treason).   Another category consists of offenses against a nation’s currency (counterfeiting, impairing currency). Crimes are also categorized according to offenses against public justice (bribery, perjury, prison-breaking, extortion, compounding felonies, etc.) and those against public peace (riots, unlawful assemblies, libel).Crimes are also classified according to offenses against public trade (cheats, forestalling, and monopoly, engrossing) and those related to chastity (sodomy, adultery, incest, bigamy and fornication). There are also crimes against decency and morality (public indecency, drunkenness, violating the grave) and those against public police and economy (common nuisances, vagrancy, and beggary). Gambling and illegal lotteries are crimes under public policy. Homicide, rape, poisoning with intent of murder, assault and battery, kidnapping and abduction are only few of the crimes classified under individual crimes. Crimes against private property include b urglary, arson, robbery, forgery and counterfeiting. Lastly, offenses against public persons include conspiracy (US Department of Justice, FBI 2006).Natural crimes or the so-called Mala in se are those crimes which have been criminalized because of their inherent wrongfulness and are usually based on moral standards. Examples of natural crimes include killing (murder), rape, arson or robbery. These are acts that are morally inacceptable and are inherently wrong (Dressler, J. 2001). These are acts that are necessarily punishable even in the absence of a law. Note that these acts involve harming others lives and properties which are morally wrong. Natural crimes therefore have the element of morality. Mala in se consists of conduct that wrong independently of the criminal law.In contrast, legal crimes which are also called mala prohibita are crimes that consist of conduct that is not wrong based on moral perspective or those which are not inherently wrong based on morality. They becom e wrong in the eyes of the law which define them as crimes. They only become wrong and thus become crime because of the prohibition of the law (Moore, M. S. 1993). Examples of these crimes are illegal parking, over speeding and probably of forgetting to bring your driver’s license with you when you go out of the house with your car.   In these examples, we cannot in anyway draw a moral element on which we can base the unacceptability of the acts.Parking at the side of the road which has a yellow line painted along it cannot be considered as morally wrong because it anyway, the act does not harm anyone at that same point.   However, it becomes illegal and therefore a crime because certain law defined it as it is. In certain instances, driving over a designated speed is a crime (legal crime) because there are existing laws that prohibits such acts (Fletcher, G. 1978). In the moral perspective, exceeding such designated speed is not morally wrong. In the same way, it is not immoral to forget or leave your driver’s license at home whenever you go out and drive. It is however a crime because a specific statute prohibits anyone to drive without a license.There are certain grounds on which we can draw clear lines between natural crimes (mala in se) and legal crimes (mala prohibita). In the context of Mala en Se crimes, judges are given less discretion under the â€Å"Rule of Law† because such behavior is presumed to be known and understood to be evil (Hart, H. L. A. 1994). Because these crimes are based on moral standards, it would be safe to assess that these acts were defined as crimes as largely influenced by the society’s religions. Killing and raping are acts against a fellow human being are religious perspectives generally views these acts as immoral and are necessarily unacceptable. Therefore, a judge holding such a case does not to have the strong discretion of identifying if the act is wrong or not. It is in this context that the old maxim of judges that â€Å"ignorance of the law excuses no one† can be appreciated (Dworkin, G. 1994).Closely related to the analysis made by other authors, Heath (1999) sees another aspect of crimes that defines the distinction between natural and legal crimes. That element, according to Heath is the victim. â€Å"In a mala en se crime such as assault the victim is the one who was assaulted, and the criminal is the perpetrator† (Heath, Hari 1999). On the other hand, Heath assessed that it is the defendant who is the victim in mala prohibita crimes.   Again using the examples used earlier, illegal parking and over speeding were acts that does not necessarily harm anyone but in these cases, the person who did the acts are held liable and are therefore called criminals. In this case, the person turned out to be the victim. Because of the violation, the law enforcers will cause damages or harm to the criminal by imputing legal financial liabilities at least.On t he perspective of this paper, it is argued that although there is the absence of morality in mala prohibita crimes, these are justifiable based on the intention of the law to create a more orderly and peaceful society. For example, over speeding may not harm anyone at glance, but this could possibly cause a driver to meet an accident and thus would harm him, properties and lives of others even without his intention. Illegal parking may not seem harmful to anyone at first but try to imagine if people can just park anywhere they want. Would it be a chaotic environment to cars in everywhere?Mala prohibita, for the purpose of this paper, do not at all suppress the freedom and liberty of anyone as some people see them. Mala prohibita laws are intended to set boundaries to human’s great possibility to exceed beyond what they ought to be. Humans have the tendency to act according to what they know is right and what benefits them the most. In certain cases, such acts are out of the c onsideration of the welfare of others and that is what mala prohibita laws are intended to avoid.REFERENCESDressler, J. (2001). Understanding Criminal Law (3rd ed.), New York: LexisDworkin, G. (ed.) (1994). Morality, Harm and the Law. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.Fletcher, G. (1978). Rethinking Criminal Law. Boston: Little, Brown.Hart, L.A. (1994). The Concept of Law (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.Heath, Hari (1999). Does North Idaho need more prisons? Idaho Observer, July 1999. Retrieved on January 26, 2008 from, D. (1987). Philosophy of Criminal Law. Totowa, N. J.: Rowman & Littlefield.Moore, M. S. (1993). Act and Crime. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Norrie, A. W. (1993). Crime, Reason and History. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson.Robinson, P. H. (1997). Structure and Function in Criminal Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Simester, A. P., & Sullivan, G. R. (2000). Criminal Law: Theory and Doctrine. Oxford: Har t Publishing.Crime in the United States 2005. US Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation. September 2006. Retrieved on January 26, 2008 from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Improvement of communication Essay

Communication is an important ingredient in everyday relationships. As interactions are inevitable, much of what is going on with our relationships – in terms of work, home life, community dealings, friendships, and even ordinary and regular contact with strangers – all these depend on how effective we are in conveying thoughts, feelings, and intentions. And by the way, because communication includes at least two parties, its effectivity depends on how well or uninterrupted the exchange of ideas will flow. Everyone involved is important to the success of communication – the receiving end (the one party) and the one conveying ideas (the other party). Since not a single party should become dominant in any interactions, what particular characteristic ought to distinguish every an effective communicator? As always pointed out by experts in communication skills, the most critical part of an interaction is active listening. It comprises more than giving the other party your affirmative nod. It is even more than being physically present. Active listening includes the engagement of the whole cognitive faculty of the person. This means that if one is to possess this very important skill, he/she must exert effort to attend to the person who transmits his/her thoughts and engage all attention to process the ideas being passed on by paraphrasing, â€Å"reflecting feeling and reflecting meaning† (Citation Becoming a Better Senior Corps Supervisor: A Resource Guide for Senior Corps Project Directors, 1996). â€Å"Active listening includes listening with the body, eyes, ears and instincts, and temporarily suspending judgment. † This is essentially what active listening does. When speaking about improving one’s skills in communication, one characteristic must come right away to one’s mind: active listening. I have employed someone to help me in ordinary house work inside our home. I really do not need someone to attend to these things in my house since I myself can do the work myself. My intention is to be of some help to this person financially. He is so poor in communication skills. He even has difficulty expressing in words what he has in mind at the moment. He could not describe properly daily occurrences, and deficient in active listening. As a result of this lack on his part, all of us in the house oftentimes get drained emotionally for constantly exerting effort just to make sure he understands how to do ordinary work properly – from frying eggs for breakfast to taking initiative on those things which we assume he already know. I realized that lacking the fundamental skill necessary in communication can even get a person in danger of being fired from work. Communication is an art because like the work of art, it requires necessary skills to accomplish a work in which one has invested all his attention to secure a work well done. Reference 1. Becoming a Better Senior Corps Supervisor: A Resource Guide for Senior Corps Project Directors, by the National Crime Prevention Council and published by the Corporation for National and Community Service (1996), was developed by the National Crime Prevention Council’s National Service Training and Technical Assistance Project and is based upon work funded by the Corporation for National Service under Cooperative Agreement No. CA95-30. Accessed July 17, 2007< file:///D:/Documents%20and%20Settings/alan/My%20Documents/communication%20skils. htm>.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Dell computers - describe their marketing plan Essay

Dell computers - describe their marketing plan - Essay Example Through highly creative approach of meeting the challenges of fast changing requirements of the people, the company follows a dynamic strategy that incorporates the following major ingredients of competitive advantage. Marketing Mix Dell Computers has highly innovative approach towards marketing and pursues a market mix strategy to promote its goods and services. Unique aspects of its products and services are important ingredients of its market strategies that it promotes through various channels of mass media. While its online presence provides it with great asset to communicate with its customers on a personal level, it also helps the firm to access a larger database of prospective customers and showcase its range of products. The visual advertisements of Dell are intrinsically lined to the company’s mission and goals of meeting the needs of the people. They portray company’s state of the products and services under the landscape of changing socio-economic paradigms and demography. Thus, its advertisement on various channels show how its products are used by people from different market segmentation – from the common man to meeting the highly complex demands of specific industry or individuals through customization of products and services. ... The company is able to do so through exploiting people’s changing requirements and providing them with goods and services that meet their preferences. It specializes in the personal computers and accessories. The company continuously strives for new product development that can exploit the huge potential of Information technology. Dell’s vision of future encompasses flexible computer solutions so that its customers can easily manage to work within the complex environment of information technology comprising of ‘the data, preferences, applications, operating systems and associated IT policies that uniquely define the individual’. Indeed the solutions are designed to ‘provide IT with centralized control  of end-user data and images (or digital identity), while  still enabling end-user flexibility  to work from anywhere and eventually on any device’ ( Using green technology and client virtualization hosting are yet another areas tha t provides it with unique market leadership initiatives. It is a key technology that facilitates the customers to run multiple applications under different operating system with complete data security. In the fast advancing technology, Dell’s products and services provide the customers wit state of the art technology that can meet the future challenges with confidence and total security. Thus, various products and services have become vital differentiating elements of Dell’s competitive advantage within the industry. Promotion of brand image The company has been able to establish a highly credible brand image. Kotler (2005) strongly stresses that brand building is extremely important aspect of marketing because

Sunday, July 28, 2019

If the Clothes Fit, Wear It Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

If the Clothes Fit, Wear It - Essay Example When the mother came to the door, I saw the lady’s face beaming with so much joy as she gave the fruit basket to my mom. I remember her saying a bunch of thank you’s to my mom as my mom graciously said that she was only glad that she could help out. When the lady with the fruit basket left, mom told me that the lady was the daughter of one of her patients in the hospital who has just recently recovered. I remember my schoolteacher telling us that nurses play a very important role in the community because they help doctors and take care of sick people. That moment when the lady with the fruit basket came, I came to realize exactly what my schoolteacher meant. That was also the moment that I told myself that someday, I would wear the same immaculately white clothes, help doctors and take care of sick people. Ever since that day, I have tried my best and worked very hard in trying to accomplish my goal of someday being just like my mother. As a licensed vocational nurse, I have come to appreciate life and all that it has to offer, including the good and the not-so-good. Nursing is not a financially rewarding profession. It is exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Journal 14 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journal 14 - Assignment Example At the beginning of the story, Dunbar describes Mr. Leckler as a ‘large-souled creature with hunger for unlimited counsel.’ This is a figurative language which creates an image in the mind of the readers and appeals to the senses of sight and sound. A part from being so sweet-sounding, the imagery can be used to mean that this character is so determined and is always ready to seek for and acquire advice from others. He is a principled man who is ready to listen to the opinions of others who surround him. The author also uses imagery when he mentions the terms surcharged clouds, flash of lightening and thunder. By saying, ‘†¦from the surcharged clouds a flash of lightning broke; and there was the thunder of cannon and the rain of lead over the land,’ Dunbar was trying to create an image of a rainfall. Indeed, this imagery appeals to the sense of sight. Even if this is what it meant in that context, it can be interpreted in different ways by different cultures. According to my own culture, rainy day characterized by harsh thunder and lightning. Rainfall is a sign of satisfaction to may people since they rely on it as a chief source of water which people heavily rely on for agriculture and domestic use. Moreover, the author uses the image of trouble when Mrs. Leckler says that her husband ‘was troubled in the mind.’ This is an imagery which can be universally interpreted to mean that Mr. Leckler was worried. As a slave, he was not contented with the kind of working conditions to which he was subjected. His mind was not at peace regardless of his principled position. Lastly, Dunbar used imagery when he uses the word Yankee and says that Mr. Lecler was a calculating and scheming Yankee who could ‘let principle stand between him and his interests.’ Literally, Yankee was an inhabitant of the Northern states of USA in which slavery had been outlawed. Therefore, he could not allow himself to be enslaved

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer Term Paper

The Rookie Chief Information Security Officer - Term Paper Example The human resource management department, finance department and operation department should present the security challenges faced (Cullen, 2011). IT Compliance Officer, Security Officer, Privacy Security Personnel and IT Security Engineer should also present the problem faced in their daily duties. The report from each office and department should be presented to the Chief Information Security officer for evaluation. Security manager and CISO will use the report to implement policies and procedures, which will ensure sufficient security in the organizations. After evaluation of the report, they will recommend the applicable points and do away with points which will not lead to improvement of the security. They will apply professional ethics and come up with other policies left by the departments. After completion, they will forward the draft to the General Manger. The GM will forward to the Board of Directors who will hold a meeting with the Security Manger and CISO to evaluate each policy and procedure. After evaluation, the board of directors will sign the draft for approval. Then the security department will ensure that each employee in every department has a copy or is aware of the policies. Security department will also ensure sufficient training to all departments to create awareness of security policies to each employee. The employees will help in reinforcing the policies (Neil, 2009). ii. Reporting Structure Chain of command will ensure smooth running of the organization. Each employee will be reporting to the person next in command. The organizational chart above represents the reporting channel. Security guarding and escort services will be provided by a contracted guard force. Guard will provide physical security services, public relationship services and patrol and escort services. Guards will ensure sufficient security for the organization’s asset and employees. They will provide assistant to customers visiting the organization by showing t hem location of offices. The guards will be managed by their supervisor who will report directly to the Security Officer. Security Officer will be responsible for maintenance of physical security. He/she will ensure that the contracted guard force maintains discipline and ethics (Mark, 2007). He will also check and record the available assets each day and carry out investigation in case of theft. Security officer will report direct to the CISO. The IT Security Engineer and the IT Security Compliance Officer will work to ensure that the information technology devices are maintained. They will ensure the hardware and software are maintained. They will evaluate the effectiveness of each device. They will provide a report in case of damage, loss and change of devices. They will report direct to the CISO. The Privacy Security Professional or the Investigation Officers will investigate theft, fraud and employee dishonest. They will carry out investigation in case of asset theft, cash thef t by employees and misconduct of the employee (Neil, 2009). In case of conflict between the employees, the investigation officer will carry out an inquiry to establish the source of the problem. Privacy Security Professionals will report direct to the CISO. The CISO will report to the Security Manager. The Security manager will be respons

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Planning and Preparing to Teach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Planning and Preparing to Teach - Essay Example In the process of going through the discussion, appropriate teaching and learning approaches will be tackled in details followed by identifying some strategic ways on how the paramedics can deliver inclusion sessions to motivate the learners to learn the best technique in managing the patients’ airway. To meet the curriculum requirements, the use of teaching and learning strategies as well as important resources will be discussed one by one. The paramedics has a huge role and responsibilities to meet when teaching the students to conduct basic life support such as the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first-aid techniques when dealing with emergency and life-threatening cases (Hazinski, et al., 2004). Specifically the blood loss that may occur when the victim is seriously injured can lead to cardiac arrest (The American Heart Association in collaboration with the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation., 2000). This situation requires immediate call for ambulance, CPR, early defibrillation (if necessary), and early advanced life support to prevent brain death (Hazinski, et al., 2004; Hickey et al., 1995). By encouraging the students to perform immediate action, paramedics will be able to increase the survival rate of the victim (Robertson, 2000). Obstruction in the patient’s normal airway functioning is a life-threatening scenario since the lack of oxygen that flows in the blood that flows through the human body can lead to end-organ damage, hypoxia, hypoxemia, and high mortality rates. (Eddleston et al., 2006; Levy, 2005; St. John, 2004; Ayus & Arieff, 1995) For this reason, it is crucial on the part of the paramedics to pay close attention with the patients’ breathing pattern during the assessment stage. Given that the patient shows signs and symptoms that there is an obstruction to the patients’ airway, paramedics should immediately establish the patient’s airway as part of the initial management

Week 8 Intelligence Failures or Misperceptions Assignment - 1

Week 8 Intelligence Failures or Misperceptions - Assignment Example available information concerning the plots that led to the attacks, analyze it appropriately and disseminate it effectively in time in order to protect the public. This failure led to the launching of an unprecedented Joint Inquiry by the Congressional intelligence committees, in order to investigate the records of the Intelligence Community regarding the 9/11 attacks and make recommendations for further legislative action (Week 8 Professor’s Wrap Up Note). Another factor that supports the claim of intelligence failures is that, although the Intelligence Community provided sufficient warning of an imminent attack in mid-2001 against the United States by Osama Bin Laden, the Community never learned the plans for aircraft hijackings in advance, which occurred on September 11. In addition, inquiries arose on whether the Intelligence Community failed to provide precise information about the ability of Iraqi to develop and use weapons of mass destruction (WMD), or whether the Administration of Bush systematically misused intelligence to acquire support for launching Operation Iraqi Freedom in March 2003, as well as for continuing military operations in Iraq. As of today, the inquiry and research into both of the perceived major contemporary  intelligence failures continues. According to Paul Pillar argument, the intelligence community was aware prior to 9/11 of the threats and received many from al-Qaeda that they will attack America on American soil. Along with the high amount of threats received in the summer of 2001, Americans had several chances of taking out Bin Ladin. However, the president and the intelligence community failed to act aggressively on the threats. And in 1993 America was attacked with the bombing of the World Trade Center.   This is an evidence of failed community intelligence and a weakness or inexperience of leadership. Other similar examples include the decision to go to war with Iraq, which was pure weakness and failures in presidential

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Obesity and San Diego Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Obesity and San Diego - Term Paper Example Having been an experienced medic in the area, I have observed several cases; and even potential ones; of obesity and therefore there is need for a more inclusive approach in tackling the health condition. The various volunteer works I have been engaged in have further brought to my attention on the consequences of ignoring this issue especially by professionals in the medical field. In addition, my quest for eliminating this problem has been further motivated by the situation currently experienced in my own household. My teenage siblings are at high risk of being obese because of their lifestyle and their consumption habits. This paper focuses on the major contributors of obesity and how to eliminate them in the county of Florida. The various indications as will be discussed below show that this problem is becoming a critical issue in both the county and the whole nation of United States. Policy Plan The healthy people 2010 (2009) indicate that the county’s level of obesity, a t least for those who have reported, is about 15% among teenagers and about 18% among the adults in the county. This shows a very alarming trend that calls for intervention by the leadership of the county and overall, of the state. To draw a further highlight of this problem, it is better to mention that obesity is a major contributor of other life threatening conditions like: asthma, coronary diseases, diabetes, cancer and others according to the county’s health and human services agency. It is because of these findings that there was a decision to contact the local authority in this case, the mayor of San Diego City Council. The date identified for this visit will be the 23rd day of February, 2013. Policy making is very essential for eradication of this problem and therefore the justification of this choice. Since there is difficulty in securing appointment with the mayor, it is important that there are various people mobilized to help capture some attention. Another propos ed way is therefore through mobilization of affected people for a peaceful procession to the mayor’s office in which an appointment will be sought and the date above be pushed. The main policy proposal will be that of ensuring that there are campaigns and sensitization programs in the county to aid in the awareness creation that will help change the lifestyle and eating habits of the local people so that they do not succumb to this great problem. A report by Jeannie et al (2009) indicates that the HOPE project is one of the successful ways the nation has enabled the medics in the country provide necessary assistance and guidance to victims of this condition by establishing a curriculum for the medical professionals like nurses to enable them learn through the internet on ways to tackle this issue. Internet use has been widespread among the teenage population and that is why this project can be used as a guideline in developing a policy to combat this problem in the county. Th e healthy people 2020 (2012) suggest methods of tackling the problem of rising obesity among the teenagers in the country. Most importantly, it envisages the reduction of obesity cases by use of alternative prevention mechanisms of which campaign by professionals, especially the nurses, is one of them. It even goes further by pointing out the need for sufficient information on the causes of overweight among the county’s population. Story et al (2008) propose a combined policy and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Huber v. Wal-mart stores, Inc Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Huber v. Wal-mart stores, Inc - Research Paper Example Also, the purpose of ADA is to ensure that disabled employees do not lose out on opportunities due to their disability. Disabled employees are to be treated at par with other employees of the organization and in no way be discriminated due to the disability (Moy, 2000). Therefore, ADA is not to be used to create an unfair advantage for an employee with disability. In the current context, Huber’s argument is creating an unfair advantage and violating the non-discrimination policy of Wal-Mart. If Huber is directly reassigned to the router position, then it would be unfair to other employees in the organization who are better suited for the job. Therefore, Wal-Mart was not required to directly reassign Huber to the router position but was required to give an opportunity to compete equally with other participants. Hence, Wal-Mart adopted objective criteria approach to fill in the position. All employees were given an equal opportunity as per their non-discrimination policy. As there was a more qualified employee who better suit the job than Huber, Huber was reassigned elsewhere. This action would fall under reasonable accommodation and in no way does injustice to Huber. Yes, this case represents a clear win for the employer. It is clearly established that ADA does not demand an employer to reassign an employee just on the basis of disability. It only demands an employer to treat an employee with disability equally and at par with other employees. It demands the employer to ensure that the employee with disability continues working for the employer in the best suited position. Therefore, it is a clear win for the employer in this case. An employer must ensure that under all circumstances, an employee with disability must be given reasonable accommodation and should be treated at par with other employees. There is no need to create special circumstances to accommodate the disabled employee but must accommodate the employee in the best possible

Monday, July 22, 2019

Kfc in China Essay Example for Free

Kfc in China Essay Is Tony Wang correct in assuming that China is an ideal market for KFC? Should KFC be pursuing the Chinese market at the present time? Considering China as a strategic location was based from a SWOT analysis. Availability of Supply (Strength) There is ready access of quality poultry in the major metropolitan areas such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing. Poultry industry is one of the top priority categories in China’s agriculture modernization and it is highly encourage by the government. Thus, the company can ensure a reliable supply of high quality chicken. Low Competitive Pressure (Strength) Potential competitors such as MacDonald’s face major barriers to enter the China market due to poor beef supply while KFC, aside from availability of high quality chicken supply, has the clear advantage since its main product-chicken- is eaten almost everywhere in the world. Furthermore, chicken is already familiar in China and even much cheaper. Company’s Control Measures (Strength) KFC s control mechanisms are designed to ensure standard levels of quality, service and cleanliness (QSC) at all of the restaurant’s chain stores. This fits the positive image in Asia of American fast food restaurants as famous, air-conditioned, and hygienic. Product Consumption (Strength) Chicken has long been regarded as a kind of nutritious food, which is especially good for the patients, the elders and children. An increase in health conscious consumers also raises the consumption of chicken. Moreover, chicken is a more popular meal than hamburgers in most Asian countries and KFC has the opportunity to offer an American style experience that is different from most other food establishments. Drawing Area (Opportunity) In late 1978, China began implementing economic reforms to modernize its economy by lessening the government’s control of the economy. This reform referred as a socialist market economy boosted the national wealth and the consequent increase in individual’s income has led to steady changes in Chinese consumer patterns prevalent in pre-Mao era. As the world’s most populous nation with over 1 billion inhabitants, the potential size and growth for KFC makes the Chinese market very attractive. Not to mention, the possibility of establishing the first Western style fast-food operation in China as a historic opportunity for the company. Scarce Human Resources (Weakness) Managerial resources are precious because of the scarcity of Chinese-speaking KFC managers. There are also possible conflicts between KFC-appointed managers and local employees. Lack of Local connections (Weakness) Pioneering in the fast-food field would find KFC very difficult to form local and personal networks between businesses and government agencies, which are crucial in providing access to the local market and domestic suppliers and eventually, to the company’s success. Entering into a relatively unknown market, KFC, as a new entrant will have to get in touch with the local business customs and laws as well as with knowledge of culture and language. Quality of Government (Threat) A communist government with strict foreign investment laws rules China. Setting up here requires heavy investment expenses and high levels of resource commitment. The risk of domestication measures may be imposed by the host government, often leading to major financial losses for the foreign investor. Overcoming Threats and Weaknesses KFC has three options of entering the China market thru, namely: Franchising, Wholly owned subsidiary and Joint venture. The traditional franchising strategy, in markets where political risk and cultural unfamiliarity exists, certainly would reduce financial risks. However, KFC had already encountered problems in the past with the aligning of corporate planning with the franchisee’s short-term focus on profitability. In addition, KFC will be pioneering in the fast-food service and thus needs to be highly sensitive to cultural demands. In such case, franchising is not feasible. On the other hand, a wholly owned subsidiary would rely upon total control over competitive advantages and ensures complete operational and strategic control. It also involves high financial risk and little country-level flexibility and responsiveness. This option is not recommended. Entering into a joint venture is highly recommended. Such an international business strategy will attempt to solve many logistics problems such as access to good quality chicken and other supplies, ease the access to Chinese market, share risk with a local entity, utilize ways to cut bureaucratic red-tape and finally, serve as a sign of commitment to the host government increasing goodwill. In addition, due to the complexity of many barriers to entry into China, a potential partner with sufficient contacts or networks with the government officials may smoothen the process of setting-up operations in the country. The potential joint-venture partner should be large, well established, provide excellent distribution channels and have personal network access to government officials. It is recommended that a partner be found by backward integration- that is, a good domestic supplier of poultry. In order to ensure total commitment, the set-up of the joint venture should be with KFC as the dominant partner. This way, cost, quality and strategic control measures are maintained. By building on each partners core competencies, knowledge, and efficiencies, a mutually beneficial synergy effect could be achieved as a result of joint venture activities. For instance, the local partner can learn from KFC how to produce a better product at a lower cost and further expand on its new competitive positioning. KFC, on the other hand, can maintain quality supply, which is critical to its success. RECOMMENDATION: The Chinese market represents a great opportunity for KFC where Tony Wang is correct in his assumptions. By finding an appropriate domestic business partner via backward integration, it is possible to further build on opportunities and significantly reduce risk throughout financial sharing, cultural sensitivity and favorable treatment from the host government. KFC should start pursuing this strategy at the present time and develop a coherent international strategy linking the China operations with the other markets. Which of the three cities being investigated should the company choose if it decides to enter China? The capital city, Beijing, is recommended as the preferred location for KFC’s entry into the Chinese market. Beijing is the center for most political activities and provides the necessary access to government agencies and business regulatory bodies. Also, it has a large population of nearly 9 million inhabitants. The numerous universities located in the city contributes to more affluent and educated people that may make them more open to foreign ideas including Western fast-food. More importantly, plenty of Western tourists are attracted to Beijing’s many tourist attractions, increasing the potential for generating foreign currency sales. Furthermore, supplies of poultry are readily available. Beijing can serve as the initial platform of KFC’s operations and later expand into other potential areas such as Shanghai and Guangzhou. One or two initial outlets should be set-up to get an insight of how KFC will be perceived in the Chinese capital. Both dine-in and take-out facilities much in line with most KFC’s international operations ought to be offered in large, clean and well-serviced outlets to cater for the customers with above-average disposable incomes. In order to serve large numbers of customers due to the sheer size of the population, the right cultural fit of the business restaurants must be highly functional and effective. Special menu-substitutions may also have to be facilitated to cater to consumers taste for traditional Chinese meals. Lessons Learned Capitalizing on Strengths and Opportunities In the initial period of KFC’s entry into China market, few of Chinese onsumers were really impressed with the food itself since the country is known to have the best culinary culture in the world. Instead, they were more fascinated with the eating experience: the encounter with friendly employees, quick service, spotless floors climate-controlled and brightly-lit dining areas, and smiling Colonel Sanders standing in front of the main gate. Having experienced the initial surprises brought by a never-seen western lifestyle, Chinese consumers have gradually calmed down and their consumption attitudes towards foreign products are getting more reasonable. Since Chinese people are more concerned with the nutrition and tastes of the fast food, KFC taken advantage of McDonald’s. By offering poultry food that is more acceptable to Chinese people compared with beef, have taken consumers needs and competition with other brands into account. Knowing the market The most prominent success of KFC in China is not only the outcome of KFC’s persistent tenets â€Å"quality, service and cleanliness† but also the achievements of its keen perception of cross-cultural marketing and its understanding of Chinese culture. Based on its scrutiny and adoption of Chinese traditional culinary arts, KFC has developed a series of products that are specially designed for the tastes of Chinese consumers. Moreover, in purpose of maintaining its image of a U. S. brand and keeping consistent with its globalization strategy, most of KFC s Chinese side dishes are defined as short-term products and would be replaced by new products. KFC’s product strategies are categorized into two aspects: 1)To meet consumers desire for novelty by introducing western style products like Mexican Chicken Warp and New Orleans Barbeque Wings. This means can satisfy young consumers who are more open and acceptable to the foreign flavors. 2)To cater to consumers taste for traditional Chinese meal by offering Chinese style fast food from time to time, say, Old Beijing Chicken Roll, a wrap modeled after the way Peking duck is served, but with fried chicken inside and accompanied with green onions and hoi sin sauce, and Sichuan Spicy Chicken which absorbs the spicy flavor of Sichuan dish. This measure can attract older consumers who are fond of Chinese food and in need of the convenience of fast food service as well.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Potassium Lithium Hydrogen Phthalate Mixed Crystals

Potassium Lithium Hydrogen Phthalate Mixed Crystals 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SECTION 3.1 Synthesis, growth, structure and characterization of potassium lithium hydrogen phthalate mixed crystals* In the present work, we report the growth and structure of a new mixed crystal C16H16KLiO11 (PLHP), which crystallizes in a non-centrosymmetric space group P21 and SHG-active. The grown crystals were subjected to various characterization studies which are briefly described below. Here it is established that by synthesising the mixed crystal in a different route with a controlled concentration of additive, one can sustain nonlinearity at the macro level by allowing the specimen to crystallise in a polar space group. The main objective of the investigation is to design a noncentrosymmetric structure by attempting a different route of synthesis, leading to NLO activity. Steering to noncentrosymmetry from centrosymmetry is made possible by changing the growth conditions. 3.1.1. Crystal growth The mixed crystal PLHP was synthesized from an aqueous solution containing equimolar quantities of AR grade potassium hydrogen phthalate (KHP) and lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) in slightly acidic conditions using de-ionized water. After successive recrystallization, the mixed crystals were grown by the slow evaporation solution growth technique. The crystallization took place within 20-25 d and the crystals were harvested. Photographs of as- grown crystals are shown in Fig. 3.1.1. Fig. 3.1.1. Photographs of mixed crystal PLHP 3.1.2. FT-IR The FT-IR spectrum of the as-grown specimen is shown in Fig.3.1.2. An absorption band in the region 500-900 cm-1 corresponds to the C-H out of plane deformations of aromatic ring. The C=O stretching frequency appeared at 1670 cm-1. The characteristic vibrational patterns of KHP104, lithium hydrogen phthalate (LiHP) 22 and PLHP are given in Table 3.1.2. A slight shift of some of the characteristic vibrational frequencies could be due to the stress development because of Li incorporation. Fig. 3.1.2. FT–IR spectrum of mixed crystal PLHP Table 3.1.2. FT-IR frequencies of some acid phthalate crystals (cm-1) aRef 105 bRef 22 c Present study 3.1.3. TGA/DTA Thermal studies reveal the purity of the material. The TGA curve shows a single stage weight loss at à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¾150o C due to loss of water molecule. In DTA, the broad endothermic peak at 420 °C, is due to decomposition. The residual mass observed from thermogram at 600 °C is ~50%. (Fig. 3.1.3). 3.1.4. SEM / EDS The SEM micrographs give information about the surface morphology and it is used to check the imperfections105. The SEM pictures of PLHP at different magnifications are shown in Fig. It shows highest surface roughness in a plate like structure, due to defect centers and crystal voids. The presence of Li and K in the PLHP crystal lattice is confirmed by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) (Fig. Fig. EDS spectrum of PLHP 3.1.5. AAS and CHN analysis Atomic absorption spectroscopic studies were carried out to quantify Li (20.6 ppm) and K (21. ppm ) in the sample. Also, CHN elemental analysis was performed to estimate the quantity of carbon and hydrogen present in PLHP. The elemental composition found was: C 42.93%, H 3.29%. The calculated composition was: C 44.63%, H 3.7%. 3.1.6. UV-visible The UV-visible spectrum of the mixed crystal PLHP reveals high transmittance in the visible region and the lower cut-off wave length is observed at ~300 nm. Incorporation of foreign metal ion into the KHP crystal lattice does not destroy the optical transmission of potassium hydrogen phthalate. The concentration of an absorbing species can be determined using the Kubelka-Munk equation106 correlating reflectance and concentration, F(R) = (1-R)2 / 2R = ÃŽ ± / s=Ac / s where F(R) is Kubelka-Munk function, R is the reflectance of the crystal, ÃŽ ± is absorption coefficient, s is scattering coefficient, A is absorbance and c is concentration of the absorbing species. The direct band-gap energy of the specimen is estimated as 4.05 eV, from the Tauc plot [F(R)hÃŽ ½]2 versus hÃŽ ½ (eV) (Fig. 3.1.6). Fig. 3.1.6. Tauc plot (Direct Band gap energy) 3.1.7 X-ray diffraction analysis The powder XRD pattern of PLHP shows that the sample is of a single phase without a detectable impurity. Narrow peaks indicate the good crystallinity of the material. At room temperature all the observed reflections were indexed. The indexed powder XRD pattern is shown in Fig. Peak positions in powder XRD match with simulated XRD patterns from single crystal X-ray diffraction. The relative intensity variations could be due to the preferred orientation of the sample used for diffractogram measurement. Also, the mosaic spread of powder and single crystal patterns may differ, resulting in intensity variations. The structure of PLHP is elucidated and the ORTEP is given as Fig. Three-dimensional view of intramolecular hydrogen bonding interactions is displayed in Fig. The chemical formula C16H16KLiO11 confirms the presence of K and Li in the crystalline matrix, well supported by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). The specimen crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system with the noncentrosymmetric space group P21. The crystallographic parameters of PLHP, KHP, LiKP and LiHP are listed in Table Fig. Experimental (red) and simulated (blue) powder XRD patterns Fig. ORTEP of PLHP Fig. Three dimensional view of intramolecular hydrogen bonding interactions (OHà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O) Table Crystal data of LiHP, KHP, LiKP and PLHP crystals The alkali ions are linked to each other by O–Hà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O hydrogen bonds through the carboxylate oxygen. The O atoms of the carboxylate group (in phthalate ions) namely O(1)-O(8) are connected to K1, while the lithium ions are connected with central metal ion via O(5)-O(6), O atoms of the water molecules. The K-O bond distances range from 2.8311 (19) to 3.207 (8) Ã…, which is higher than bond distances observed in potassium hydrogen phthalate monohydrate 2.305 (1) –2.597 (1) Ã…. The Li–O bond distances lie in the range 1.956 (3)–1.968 (3) Ã…. The aromatic C-C bond distances fall in the range 1.377 (3) –1.485 (2) Ã…. The four carboxy C-O distances are almost same and the values are close to that observed for potassium hydrogen phthalate monohydrate107 and sodium acid phthalate108. In LiKP, O(4)–K(1) bond distance lies at 2.7491 Ã… whereas in our present study, the O(4)–K(1) bond dist ance is 2.7671 Ã…. The selected bond angles and bond lengths are given in Table Crystal packing with hydrogen bonding interactions along the b-axis is given in Fig. Strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding interactions are O(2)-H(2)à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O(11) and O(5)-H(5B)à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O(3) assembled with distances of 1.77 and 1.86 Ã… respectively (Fig. Weak intermolecular interactions are observed for O(7)-H(7B)à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O(10), O(7)-H(7B)à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O(11) and O(5)-H(5B)à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O(1), with bond distances of 2.41 (2), 2.46 (3) and 3.25 (4) Ã… respectively (Table Table Selected bond lengths (Ã…) and angles (o) of PLHP Table Hydrogen bonds geometry for PLHP [Ã…, o] Fig. Three dimensional image of polyhedron with O-Hà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O interactions 3.1.8. SHG efficiency In order to confirm the influence of incorporation of lithium on the NLO properties of KHP the pure and mixed crystals were subjected to SHG test with an input radiation of 6.5 mJ/pulse. The outputs give the relative SHG efficiencies of the measured specimens. As seen, the SHG activity of the mixed crystal is comparable with that of KHP (Fig. 3.1.8) and it is quite likely due to the facile charge transfer, not disturbed by Li-incorporation. Although many materials have been identified that have higher molecular nonlinearities, the attainment of second-order effects requires favourable alignment of the molecule within the crystal109. It has been reported that the SHG can be greatly enhanced by altering the molecular alignment through inclusion complexation110. The mixed crystal PLHP grown from an aqueous solution containing equimolar quantities of reactants crystallize in a noncentrosymmetric space group P21 and SHG-active, whereas when Li is taken in excess in the growth medium the f ormed mixed crystal LiKP crystallizes in a centrosymmetric space group P1 and hence SHG-inactive29. It is interesting to observe that the mixed crystal of KHP synthesized by a different route crystallises in a polar space group. By changing the growth conditions it is possible to attain noncentrosymmetry in preference to centrosymmetry, a required characteristic of an NLO material. Fig. 3.1.8. The comparative SHG oscilloscope traces of the powder samples of KHP (red) and PLHP (blue) 3.1.9. Hirshfeld surface analysis The Hirshfeld surfaces of PLHP have been demonstrated in Fig. by showing dnorm, shape index, de and di. The Hirshfeld surface111-113 surrounding a molecule is defined by points where the contribution to the electron density from the molecule under consideration is equal to the contribution from all the other molecules. For each point on that isosurface, two distances are determined: one is de representing the distance from the point to the nearest nucleus external to the surface and second one is di, representing the distance to the nearest nucleus internal to the surface. The normalized contact distance (dnorm) is based on both de and di. The surfaces are shown as transparent to allow visualization of the molecule around which they were calculated. The circular depressions (deep red) which are visible on the Hirshfeld surface are an indicator of hydrogen bonding contacts and other visible spots in Fig. are due to Oà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Li ( 3.6%), Hà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O (14.5%), Oà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢H (15.9%), Kà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O (2.0%) and Lià ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O (3.5%) interactions. The short interactions represented by deep red spots in de surface (Fig. are Oà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Li contacts (3.6%). The dominant Oà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢H (14.5%), Lià ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O (3.5%) and Hà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢H (31.7%) interactions are viewed in di surface plots by the bright red area in Fig. The shape index indicates the shape of the electron density surface around the molecular interactions. The small range of area and light color on the surface represent a weaker and longer contact other than hydrogen bonds. The two-dimensional fingerprint plots114 of PLHP exemplify the strong evidenc e for the intermolecular interactions pattern. In the fingerprint region (Fig., Oà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢H (15.9%) interactions are represented by a spike in the bottom area whereas the Hà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O (14.5%) interactions are represented by a spike in the top left region. Hydrogen-hydrogen interactions Hà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢H (31.7%) are very high while compared to the other bonding interactions. Sharp curved spike at the bottom left area indicates the Oà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Li (3.6%) and top left corner with curved spike indicates the Lià ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢O (3.5%). The finger print at the bottom right area represents Cà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢H (11.7%) interactions and top right area represents Hà ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã‹â€ Ã¢â€ž ¢C (8.7%) interactions. The number of interactions in terms of percent age are represented in a pie chart in Fig. Fig. Hirshfeld surface analysis of PLHP (a) dnorm (b) shape index (c) de (d) di Fig. Relative contribution of various intermolecular interactions in PLHP Fig. Fingerprint plots of PLHP 1

Military force and promoting humanitarian values

Military force and promoting humanitarian values This essay will argue that military force is an ineffective instrument for the promotion of humanitarian values. However, this is qualified by also presenting reasons for discounting the effectiveness of non-military interventions. This essay will be structured as follows. The first sections will confront methodological issues that have to be addressed before the question can be answered. Following this we will embark on a comparison of military and non-military interventions. The essay will evaluate a paradigm case of a successful operation, Australia in East Timor. We will argue it is anomalous and can barely qualify as a genuine intervention. We then see a true case of an intervention, Afghanistan, and conclude that this constitutes a failure of a military promotion of humanitarian values. We will then move onto evaluate two cases of non-military interventions, UN Resolutions and economic sanctions. It will be argued that UN sanctions are impotent, with reference to the actions of Israel. The essay will then examine the sanctions placed on Iraq, and argue that they caused a greater humanitarian crisis than any hitherto encountered intervention. The essay will conclude with reasons why one should refrain from drawing methodological precepts from previous interventions, and advocates a case-by-case analysis. It is important to limit the scope of this debate. First of all, I will not be discussing issues such as the legitimacy of military force being used in national liberation movements with the discussion instead focusing on third party military intervention. There are questions that further need to be addressed: Firstly, what constitutes military force? Is it the mere presence of military personnel (e.g. UN Peacekeeping forces), or does it have to be active military participation? Secondly, what are humanitarian values? Thirdly, how does one measure the promotion of such values? Is there a quantifiable way to ask whether their promotion has been effective? Fourthly, are there case studies which can be turned to in order to address the question? If there has never been a genuinely humanitarian intervention, then it will be impossible to assess the success of such an endeavour. In response to the first question, it is simpler to treat all military interventions of the same ilk. Consider the criteria set out by the Red Cross (1997), arguing that a prerequisite for an intervention to be humanitarian it has to be neutral, impartial and independent. The position of the Red Cross is that no armed force could satisfy these requirements backed as they are by political governments with their own agenda. If one finds this cogent, then there is no prima facie reason for discerning between mercenary, state-backed and UN organisations[1]. In regards to humanitarian values, and how to measure their effectiveness, to find a view backed by consensus is almost impossible. We confront positions as diverse as simple, utilitarian measurements of the amount of people whose lives have been saved (Janzekovic, 2006: 144) to more specific positions such as Regan (1996: 341-342) who claims that an intervention can be deemed successful if it destabilises the region in such a way, so that it is more difficult for the oppressing-state to continue with its human rights violations. This position would not use a short-term measurement such as deaths to measure the success of an intervention. However, I shall err on the simpler measurement. This is simply due to that the measurement of injuries, fatalities and abuses in a conflict is a simpler tool of analysis, rather than a vague notion such as favourable destabilisation[2]. Finally, as to whether there has been a genuine humanitarian intervention, the answer seems to be negative[3]. Regardless of whether or not one agrees with the historical analysis in the books cited, there is an explanatory problem for believers in genuine intervention, which is the sporadic and inconsistent use of such interventions. This is what Paris (2014: 578-588) calls the inconsistency problem. The thrust of the problem is that such inconsistent use of military intervention in regards to humanitarian crises implies that there is more tha n just selfless means motivating the intervenors. Although other factors affect the ability to intervene (Binder: 2009), there is a strong motivation that, when combined with the historical record, humanitarian intervention is a misnomer. However, let us leave this issue to the side. What we shall discuss now is the following: Do military interventions for nominally humanitarian ends, save more lives than non-military means for the same ends? Let us examine some of the paradigmatic cases of successful military intervention. One often cited is the success of the Australian intervention in East Timor in 1999. The intervention was required due to the Indonesian governments oppressive measures used to quell an East Timorese population insistent on independence from Jakarta. During the referendum campaign, there was widespread use of militia intimidation to quell support for independence, accompanied by widespread human rights violations. The actions of the Indonesian forces resulted in the displacement of around 40,000 – 85,000 East Timorese (T. Seybolt, 2007: 88.)). The success of the Australian military has been praised by some, such as Wheeler and Dunne (2001) who took such success as totalling almost a paradigm shift on the effectiveness and new normative perspective of a humanitarian intervention (contrasting it with the collusion of the United States in the violent occupation of the East Timor in 1975 (Amnesty In ternational, 1985). However, although the Australian intervention is largely considered successful, unfortunately, it does not meet the criteria of a humanitarian intervention. Humanitarian interventions, under most definitions (Roberts, 2003:5) have to be a military action without the consent of the oppressing power, in this case, Indonesia. However, as is noted by Chesterman (2002), Australia sought the consent of the Indonesian government, before intervening. The Australian government of the 5th of September said that they would only consider intervention if four conditions were met: (i) there was a security council mandate, (ii) if the Indonesian government consented, (iii) if the endeavour was a short term one, and (iv) if the force had a strong regional component Wheeler and Dunne (ibid p.807). What makes the fact that consent was sought from Indonesia considerably stranger was the fact that, apart from Australia, the international community did not believe that Indonesia had any rights over East Timor, with East Timor being internationally considered to be an independent state. As Chesterman goes onto note as well, that, although it is often cited to be an example of successful intervention, the fact remains that the international community displayed great reticence in intervening (contrasted with their enthusiasm regarding Bosnia). Chesterman concludes that if Australia had not intervened, no one else would have (Chesterman 2002:181)) There are also significant reasons that the reason for Australian intervention were hardly impartial either, as Chesterman also notes that the Howard Government of Australia was probably more worried about the influx of refugees that would come from such a crisis (a point which is corroborated by Gonzalez-Forester (2004), who documents Australia and other countries previous ambivalences to violent Indonesian actions towards the East-Timorese.) This case study appears to support the question posed in the affirmative, as once the Australian forces intervened, the extent of the massacres and expropriations stopped considerably. Thus, there does appear to be some motivation for considering military intervention a useful technique. However, there are also other considerable problems by extrapolating from this example. First of all, the Indonesian forces consented to their intervention, so the Australians were entering a comparatively un-hostile environment, and secondly, this fact is bolstered by the generally warm relations between Australia and Indonesia. In order for us to extrapolate from this example, we would have to see how well interventions perform in a country which does not openly consent to the intervention from a third party. Such an example would be Afghanistan, a country that has twice been intervened by hostile forces supporting apparently humanitarian goals (both Russia (1979-1989) and the United States (2001- Ongoing)). Both of these interventions have had the nominal motivation of humanitarian ends, and both have, to some extent worked towards them. In the case of the Russian intervention, it seems to be that the attempt to intervene has failed, despite the attempt to implement progressive policies (Bennis, 2015). The report cited documents how their attempts to implement progressive policies in the rural areas of Afghanistan provoked widespread rebellion, thus making the humanitarian situation considerably worse. The United States intervention initially seemed to be a more intelligent intervention, with there being a pronouncement of the military intervention being accompanied by humanitarian aid drops. However, as Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) note, the aid packages of food (which only occurred a round once a month) shared the same yellow packaging as cluster bombs, which led to a number of casualties (Calas and Salignon: 2004, p. 82.) Asides from that, there also seems to be strong reports that human rights are being abused by militant forces which the united states support. For example, the New York Times have reported on a massacre occurring in Dasht-E-Leili, where Afghan Soldiers killed Taliban POWs on their route to Sheberghen Prison (Gall, 2001).this directly violates Article 13 of the Geneva Convention regarding the treatment of POWs (ICRC, 1949). Incidents such as this are indicative of a failed intervention, in regards to the promotion of explicitly humanitarian values. Although the indefinite extension of the US-Afghanistan war means that any conclusion might seem premature, the track record of the past 14 years indicates that military interventions do not promote humanitarian ends if the members of the occupying country do not welcome it. We have thus encountered compelling reasons to dismiss the effectiveness of military means for promoting humanitarian ends. What is now necessary is to contrast this with the effectiveness of non-military interventions. We shall examine two such examples: UN declarations and economic sanctions. We shall conclude that both are ineffective: UN declarations are ineffective without military support, and economic sanctions can exacerbate already precarious situations. In regards to the first point, there does seem to be a strong case for this. Consider, for example, the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory in the West Bank and Gaza, as well as their occupation of the Golan Heights in Syria. All of these violate international law, and violate UN sanctions (Hammon, 2010)). However, this does not seem to have deterred the Israeli government from refraining from the maintenance of such illegal activities, nor does it seem to have any force in preventing further breaches of internationa l law. Secondly, consider the economic sanctions that were placed on Iraq in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait implemented by United Nations Security Council Resolution 661 (S/RES/661 (1990)) These sanctions are considered to have some of the most disastrous humanitarian results of recent history. The result of these sanctions have resulted in UNICEF reporting around 500,000 Iraqi children under the age of 5 dying (an increase of over 4,000 deaths a month compared to before the sanctions were enforced) (Edwards, 2000) In fact, the oil-for-food program has had effects that compelled the organiser of the program, Denis Halliday, to resign, calling the program genocidal. The fact that this resignation at such a senior level in the UN is almost unprecedented is remarkable in and of itself. What makes this fact more remarkable is due to the fact that the person assigned to replace him, Hans von Sponeck, also resigned from the post, citing similar reasons (ibid.) A counter-point co uld be raised here, to the effect that it was not so much the food-for-oil program itself that was the problem, but rather the insufficiencies of the program in light of the bombing campaign that almost crippled Iraqs infrastructure. For example, Eric Hoskins claimed that [the bombing campaign] effectively terminated everything vital to human survival in Iraq – electricity, water, sewage systems, agriculture, industry and health care (Curtis, 1995: 189). Thus, the point could be raised that this should be cited as a failure of military intervention, rather than non-violent. This point is a strong one, yet the cataclysmic consequences were not invoked by the bombing campaign, rather it was the sanctions which prevented the rebuilding which precipitated a humanitarian disaster. It is difficult to equate the success and failure of these positions, as they are often used in tandem, and it becomes difficult to dissociate what could be indications of mere incompetence, from the mor e malice invocations of the doctrine of realpolitik. In conclusion, it is difficult to ascertain the effectiveness of military force. This is because paradigmatically successful operations, such as East Timor do not qualify. The possibility of a further answer is complicated due to the fact that the Israel-Palestine conflicts demonstrates the impotence of non-military means without the possibility of an armed intervention. Yet, the fact that condemnations are powerless also does not help us answer the question: Afghanistan shows how a militarily backed campaign can make a military solution to legitimate grievances considerably worse, and yet Iraq shows us how economic sanctions also exacerbate precarious scenarios. It seems to be that to offer an answer regarding the effectiveness of this-or-that method is premature, and universal laws determining efficacy should be replaced with a case-by-case analysis. Footnotes 1 For a response to this, see Janzekovic (2006, p.130). For a more methodological reason regarding the difficulty of providing meaningful distinctions between forms of intervention, see Raymond (2015. p.295-298) 2 For example, did the UN sanctions against Iraq in response to their invasion of Kuwait destabilise Saddam? It is not obvious to say. 3 For why interventions previous to World War I were not humanitarian, see Losurdo (2014) For why interventions post- World War II were not humanitarian see Blum (2003) Bibliography Amnesty International. (1985) East Timor Violations of Human Rights: Extrajudicial Executions, Disappearances, Torture and Political Imprisonment, 1975–1984. London: Amnesty International Publications. Bennis, P. (2015) Afghanistan in: Assange, J. The WikiLeaks Files: The World According to US Empire. New York: Verso Books. Pp. 368-394 Blum, W. (2003) Killing hope: US military and CIA interventions since World War II. London: Zed Books Calas, F. and Salignon, P. (2004) Afghanistan: From Militant Monks to Crusaders. In: Weissman In the Shadow of Just Wars, Weissman, ed. London: Hurts and Co. Chesterman, S. (2002) Just War or Just Peace? Oxford: Oxford University Press Curtis, M. (1995) The ambiguities of power: British foreign policy since 1945. London: Zed books. Edwards, D. (2000) An Interview with Denis Halliday. Media Lens. [Online] 16th May. Available at: [Accessed 19th October 2015] Gall, C. (2001) Study Hints at Mass Killing by the Taliban. New York Times [Online] May 1st Available at [Accessed 19th October 2015] Gonzalez-Foerster, G. (2004). East Timor: Better Late Than Never. In: Weissman. Ed. In the Shadow of Just Wars, . London: Hurts and Co. 25-42. Hammond, J.R. (2010) Rogue State: Israels violations of UN Security Council resolutions Foreign Policy Journal. [Online] 27th January. Available at: [Accessed 19th October 2015] International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (1997) Can Military Intervention and Humanitarian Action Coexist? World Disasters Report. Oxford: Oxford University Press International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (1949), Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (Fourth Geneva Convention), 12 August, 75 UNTS 287, available at: [Accessed 19 October 2015] Janzekovic, J. (2006) The use of force in humanitarian intervention: morality and practicalities. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., Losurdo, D. (2014) Liberalism: a counter-history. London: Verso Books. Paris, R. (2014) The Responsibility to Protectand the Structural Problems of Preventive Humanitarian Intervention. International Peacekeeping 21.5: 569-603. Raymond, D (2015). Military Means of Preventing Mass Atrocities. In Rosenberg, S. Galis, T. Zucker A. eds. 2015: Reconstructing Atrocity Prevention. New York: Cambridge University Press. Pp.295- 320 Regan, P M. (1996) Conditions of successful third-party intervention in intrastate conflicts. Journal of Conflict Resolution 40.2: 336-359 Roberts, A. (2002) The So-Called Right of Humanitarian Intervention, in Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 2000, 3. The Hgue: T.M.C Asser. Seybolt, T B. (2007) Humanitarian military intervention: the conditions for success and failure. Oxford: Oxford University Press. UN Security Council, Resolution 661 (1990) Adopted by the Security Council at its 2933rd meeting, on 6 August 1990, 6 August 1990, S/RES/661 (1990), available at: [accessed 25 October 2015] Wheeler, N. and Dunne, T. (2001) East Timor and the New Humanitarian Interventionism, International Affairs, 77, 4, pp. 805–27.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Pollution Essay: Silent Spring, How Rachel Carson Changed the World :: Environment Environmental Preservation

Silent Spring - How Rachel Carson Changed the World On September 27, 1962 Rachel Carson released her sixth book, Silent Spring. On publication day, the advance sales of Silent Spring totaled 40,000 copies and another 150 copies were sent to the Book of the Month Club (Frontline: Fooling With Nature, 1998). Silent Spring remained on the bestseller list for almost a year. The world was beginning to take notice. Countless experts and organizations have proclaimed Rachel Carsonà ¢s book the starting point of the environmental movement. Carson described numerous case studies where the use of hazardous pesticides, insecticides, and other chemicals led to environmental problems all over the world. Whether directly or indirectly, everything in the environment is connected and affected by each other. Silent Spring describes, in depth, the harmful effects that chemical control has placed on all components of the environment. They include: air, water, land, wildlife, plant life, and humans. I will discuss each of these categories as examined in Silent Spring along with my personal analysis. First I will discuss the damage from chemicals released in the air. Aerial spraying of pesticides, mostly DDT, began on a small scale over farms and forests. With the development of new insecticides and the availability of planes from the war, the sky almost literally turned into a shower of toxic chemicals. The justification behind the massive sprayings of the 1950à ¢s was to exterminate exotic species like the fire ant, and the gypsy moth. The spraying was extremely careless, and resulted in heavily populated towns and cities repeatedly being sprayed with DDT (Carson, 1962). Unfortunately, people and wildlife sprayed with DDT along with other chemicals had no warnings and no way to protect themselves. The government, without consent of those affected, risked the health of those exposed to the pesticides and the quality of the environment. Nearly everyone was exposed to the risks, in a direct or indirect way, from the extensive aerial spraying. As described in the book, the gypsy moth is not a native of the United States. It had persisted in the U.S. for a great number of years without any need for extensive control measures. Carson states, à £Yet drastic action was suddenly taken against them under the end-justifies-the-means philosophyà ¤ (Carson, 1962, p.156). Therefore, unnecessary health risks and damage to the environment were considered acceptable in order to eliminate the gypsy moth, which has repeatedly been unsuccessful. One reason the gypsy moth still thrives is because, like many insects, they have developed resistance to the chemicals targeted against them.

Friday, July 19, 2019

unfinished Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning of the twentieth century, a massive wave of immigrants from the southern and eastern parts of Europe came to America in search of economic opportunities. They carried to America all the dreams and hopes of wealth. When finally reaching America, these naive immigrants faced a new struggle and learned the harsh reality of America. In Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle, he describes the life of an immigrant family from Lithuania that venture off to America in search of a better life. After their arrival and stay, they struggle to keep alive and barely meek their way through life. Sinclair’s style of describing the characters, conflicts, and ideas illustrates the struggle and heartache of immigrants’ life in the early 1900’s.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sinclair’s style of imagery, diction, and tone helps create the atmosphere needed for the reader to imagine the events taken place. In the beginning, Sinclair uses a flash-forward. This scene, a wedding, gave the reader the impression of hope, life, and dreams. Behind this joyful celebration, the author implements worries and depression. Although this should be a celebration, the reader sees the bride crying, hears the throbbing tunes of a melancholy song, smells the stench of alcohol upon everyone’s lips, and feel the urgency of each individual to get home, rest, and begin a new day at work. â€Å"Most fearful they are to comtemplate, the expenses of this entertainment†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (12). The only... unfinished Essay -- essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the beginning of the twentieth century, a massive wave of immigrants from the southern and eastern parts of Europe came to America in search of economic opportunities. They carried to America all the dreams and hopes of wealth. When finally reaching America, these naive immigrants faced a new struggle and learned the harsh reality of America. In Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Jungle, he describes the life of an immigrant family from Lithuania that venture off to America in search of a better life. After their arrival and stay, they struggle to keep alive and barely meek their way through life. Sinclair’s style of describing the characters, conflicts, and ideas illustrates the struggle and heartache of immigrants’ life in the early 1900’s.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sinclair’s style of imagery, diction, and tone helps create the atmosphere needed for the reader to imagine the events taken place. In the beginning, Sinclair uses a flash-forward. This scene, a wedding, gave the reader the impression of hope, life, and dreams. Behind this joyful celebration, the author implements worries and depression. Although this should be a celebration, the reader sees the bride crying, hears the throbbing tunes of a melancholy song, smells the stench of alcohol upon everyone’s lips, and feel the urgency of each individual to get home, rest, and begin a new day at work. â€Å"Most fearful they are to comtemplate, the expenses of this entertainment†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (12). The only...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Acid Rain Essay -- Environment Environmental Science

Acid Rain "Acid Rain," or more precisely acidic precipitation, is the term used to describe rainfall that has a pH level of less than 5.6--a pH of 7 being neutral. This form of air pollution is currently a subject of great controversy because of the damage it does to the environment and property worldwide. For the last ten years, this occurrence has brought destruction to thousands of lakes and streams in the United States, Canada, and parts of Europe. It also leads to the deterioration of buildings and statues by reacting with several minerals. Acid rain is formed when oxides of nitrogen and sulfite combine with moisture in the atmosphere to make nitric and sulfuric acids. These acids can be carried away far from its origin. The two primary sources of acid rain are sulfur dioxide (SO2), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). Sulfur dioxide is a colorless gas released as a by-product of combusted fossil fuels containing sulfur (Farnham, A variety of industrial processes, such as the production of iron and steel, utility factories, and crude oil processing produce this gas. Sulfur dioxide can also be emitted into the atmosphere by natural disasters or means (Farnham, This accounts for ten percent of all sulfur dioxide emission, coming from volcanoes, sea spray, plankton, and rotting vegetation. Overall, 69.4 percent of sulfur dioxide is produced by industrial combustion. Only 3.7 percent is caused by transportation (Farnham, The other chemical that is also chiefly responsible for the make-up of acid rain is nitrogen oxide. Oxides of nitrogen is a term used to describe any compound of nitrogen with any amount of oxygen atoms. Nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide are all oxides of nitrogen. These gases are by-products of firing processes of extreme high temperatures (automobiles, utility plants), and in chemical industries (fertilizer production) (Phamornsuwana, Natural processes such as bacterial action in soil, forest fires, volcanic action, and lightning make up five percent of nitrogen oxide emission (Phamornsuwana, Transportation ... ...emits nitrogen oxide, automobiles and coal-fired electric utility boilers (Farnham, What humans can do, as citizens, to reduce sulfur and nitrogen dioxide emission is to reduce the use of fossil fuels. Car pools, public transportation, or walking can reduce tons of nitrogen oxide emissions. Using less energy benefits the environment because the energy used comes from fossil fuels which can lead to acid rain. For example, turning off lights not being used, and reduce air conditioning and heat usage. Replacing old appliances and electronics with newer energy efficient products is also an excellent idea. Sulfur dioxide emission can be reduced by adding scrubbers to utility plants (Farnham, An alternative power source can also be used in power plants to reduce emissions. These alternatives are: geothermal energy, solar power energy, wind energy, and water energy. Bibliography .Sarn Phamornsuwana (1999). Causes, effects and solutions of acid rain. Retrieved 9 Feb. .Shayne Farnham (1999). Acid rain: Meteorology independent study. Retrieved 27 Mar.

Kitchen Best

Grade: 84/100 87/100 Challenges: 16/20 Causes: 16/20 PoA: 20/25. Be more specific Research: 20/20 Writing: 12/15. Work to organize your paper more concisely and coherently with more effective headings/subheadings/visual aides Grade update: I added 3 more points to make this section 15/15 based upon your re-draft.? Henry Chan, who is the CEO of Kitchen Best, has set some ambitious targets for the business in 2008. However, his plan suffered a setback when a series of crises happened in 2010.These incidents involved in serious management problems such as personal gains made at the expense of the company and kickbacks offered and accepted between Kitchen Best and its partners. Symptoms Deep rooted practices of kickbacks, bribing and corruption: Accepting kickbacks, bribing and corruption were common in business dealings of kitchen best. Chan dong, founder of kitchen best treated his employees as family, and turned blind eye on any such practices as long as they were helpful in business expansion.But later when Henry Chan took over the business, a series of incidents had led him to take a deeper look into the company and uncover serious instances of misconduct. Unethical means followed by kitchen best’s most trusted employee: The shago incident : Horatio Sze : Sze awarded the contract to a factory owned by his brother in law, for his personal gain. Knowing that the products were faulty, he hasn’t taken any remedial action or cancel the contract. Macy wei :Having known that the products showed faulty in the in-house testing and Sze’s negligence towards this for his personal gain, she hasn’t reported it to the higher management, considering the good relation between Sze and Li. Ignorance of Henry and Ma luk : Sze reported directly to Ma Luk. Neither Ma took the responsibility to enquire further on the issue, nor did Henry involve himself much in monitoring the decisions of sub-contracting made by Sze. Haus de metro :Henry Chan, after havin g learnt from an anonymous letter that a shipment for German retail chain HdM did not meet the company’s safety requirements, did not pursue the case any further for fear of losing the customer. Honghua appliances : Ma Luk: Ma has built good relations with Honghua’s general manager for greater china, through wining, entertainment, dining and offering kickbacks. But the changed management of Hanghua was strictly against these practices and reevaluated the competency of all its suppliers. So, kitchen best’s relations with Honghua were at risk.Also, Ma has misused the company expenses for his personal gain. Henry Chan: Henry Chan didn’t have much grip on the clients and relations with them. He was mostly dependent on the experience of the senior management, like Ma who were mainlanders, to build relations with the clients and customers and he saw such practices as inevitable part of Chinese business culture. Lack of well-designed financial policies: Kitchen best did not have any well-defined policies or guidelines to control the expenses for entertaining customers.Henry Chan’s Cultural barrier: Henry Chan found it difficult to deal with mainland customers due to his cultural barriers. He was born and brought up at Hong Kong, and had not much exposure to deal with the mainland customers. So he had difficulties to cope up with the business culture and dealings with mainlanders. He had to depend on senior management, hence had no proper grip on the business there. Causes: Unplanned/sudden shift in management: Kitchen best’s employees were not prepared for the sudden change in management from Chan dong to Henry Chan.Each of them had completely different managing styles. Chan followed a paternalistic managerial style, treating the employees as a family and maintaining good relations with them, while Henry followed the western style of management. This gave the employees a chance to misuse the liberty of taking decisions that w estern style invoked †¢ â€Å"In the west, the ideal boss is a â€Å"resourceful democrat†. He sets the vision and strategy for the business but empowers subordinates to execute. He encourages two-way communication with his employees and allows bottom-up input in decision-making. In China, the ideal boss is a â€Å"benevolent father†. He is like a parent (a Chinese parent, by the way) who supervises his children on everything that need to be done. He believes in discipline and attention to details and manages his people at a micro level. He also spends lots of time caring for the personal welfare of his employees and regards it as part of his job. † – reference; management style differences between china and U. S Author: Joy Huang Shift of focus on different set of customers: eastern and western management (business cultures)is for 95% the same and differs in every important aspect. †- Takeo Fujisawa (Honda) Kitchen best mostly focused on Asian market but Henry focused on extending the business to western customers. Till then the company had no experience with directly dealing with the customers of Europe and America, and hence has no grip over these regions. The dealings at mainland and decision making were completely left to trusted employees without Henry’s personal monitoring and they took advantage of it.Henry’s experience as compared to that of senior management: Henry’s experience was far less than most of the employees in senior management who have been working for the company from its very beginning. Employees like Ma, Sze were very much trusted by Chan dong and Henry couldn’t go completely against the practices they followed although they were unethical. Lack of control over decision making and financial management: Henry relied much on his senior management for decision-making. But unlike Chan, he did not involve himself much, in making important decisions in mainland business operat ions.Any other monitoring measures were not implemented in the company. Kitchen best did not have any well designed financial policies that checked the ineffective expenses like dining, wining or entertaining the clients. Employees faked invoices and used the expenses for their personal gains. This would have been controlled if there was frequent auditing. Henry’s cultural limitations: Henry was born and brought up in Hong Kong, studied at U. S. Although he had experience in marketing of electric and electronic appliances, it was the first time for him to work with kitchen best.He was not so familiar with the business culture of mainland nor did he have good relations with the mainland clients. He believed that some unethical practices were inevitable in Chinese business culture, so although determined to change these practices, he ignored some cases and hand not implemented strict measures to control them altogether. â€Å"Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. cultural differences are nuicanse at best and often disaster† –Dr. Geert Hofstede Recommendations :A strong policy for internal contro l and financial management has to be designed and implemented. 2 months a strong policy †¢ to mitigate financial risks, continually asses new risks and minimize operational distractions to achieve the key results established in a commission's strategic plan †¢That should clearly and consistently maintain an internal control framework by developing a control policy and accompanying procedures that establish a commitment to reducing risk of loss and preserving commission resources.This document should briefly explain the objectives/goals of the commission, the ethical standard expected from employees, and the policies/procedures it is committed to adhering to in order to meet those objectives. Henry must first concentrate on getting a good grip on existing territory and then expansion of business to the west. Immediately 1-2 months †¢Henry Chan should start working more on the existing territory business operations, by involving himself in decision making, interacting directly with clients of mainland, rather than leaving it to Ma. Then strategically work on expanding direct business with the west, like getting to know the business culture and training a set of employees according to western business culture. Investigate and warn/ take disciplinary action Next one month †¢Ignoring the ethical breach of employees could lead to more corruption. Completing the investigation of cases and warning or taking disciplinary actions on employees responsible for it irrespective of their seniority could be substantial in reducing the corruption in business dealings.Set up a monitoring committee 15 days †¢Set up a monitoring committee that is headed by Henry, and includes legal , financial advisors of kitchen best, and auditing group. †¢This committee should constantly work on monitoring the activities, and flow of finance at different branches of the company Trial implementation of the policy made and make amendments if necessary 2 months †¢Implementing the designed policy for a period of two months and check for any loopholes, and make amendments if necessary. Managing the risk of fraud : The truth is you cannot defeat internal fraudsters if you are unfamiliar as to where and how they play their game of deceit and betrayal—you fail to know where your operation’s greatest risks and vulnerabilities are—or you fail to have enough knowledge to develop and implement a realistic anti-fraud action plan. † – reference book; business fraud – Jack L Hayes Ethics management : Keep the unique ethical climate of each market in mind when crafting your code of ethics to ensure that it is relevant to the international arena Apply standards equally in all markets, and among all subsidiaries.Stick to your standards, whatever they are. If yo u have a policy of following your home country's ethical standards around the world, be prepared to turn down opportunities in markets with unfavorable ethical climates. Make company-wide ethics training a regular activity, in addition to administering comprehensive ethics training programs for new hires. Use training sessions to highlight actual areas of concern in your organization, citing specific examples as often as possible. References Journal of Academic and Business Ethics: International Business Ethics †¢International Business Ethics Institute: Top Ten Mistakes References : http://www. f5ac. org/item. asp? id=3340 first five financial control guide; ch 6. Internal control http://www. slideshare. net/anandsubramaniam/cross-culture-east-west http://smallbusiness. chron. com/accounting-principles-general-financial-ethical-standards-36283. html http://www. copedia. com/internal_controls. html http://smallbusiness. chron. com/cultural-communication-barriers-workplace-13888. html